Telephone Numbers of Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Offices


Afghanistan 03-3407-7900
Algeria 03-3711-2661
Argentina 03-5420-7101
Australia 03-5232-4111
Austria 03-3451-8281-3

Bangladesh 03-5704-0216
Belgium 03-3262-0191-5
Bolivia 03-3499-5441-2
Brazil 03-3404-5211-8
Brunei 03-3447-7997
Bulgaria 03-3465-1021-4

Canada 03-3408-2101
Chile 03-3452-7561-2
China 03-3403-3380
Colombia 03-3440-6451
Costa Rica 03-3486-1812
Cuba 03-3716-3112
Cyprus 03-3347-2247
Czech Republic 03-3400-8122

Denmark 03-3496-3001
Dominican Republic 03-3499-6020

Ecuador 03-3499-2800
Egypt 03-3770-8022
El Salvador 03-3499-4461
Ethiopia 03-3718-1003-5

Fiji 03-3587-2038
Finland 03-3442-2231
France 03-5420-8800

Gabon 03-3448-9540
The Gambia 03-3444-7806
Germany 03-3473-0151-7
Ghana 03-5706-3201
Greece 03-3403-0871
Guatemala 03-3400-1830/20
Guinea 03-3443-8211
Guyana 03-5706-3201

Haiti 03-3486-7070
Honduras 03-3409-1150
Hungary 03-3798-8801-4

Iceland 03-5493-8776
India 03-3262-2391-7
Indonesia 03-3441-4201
Iran 03-3446-8011
Iraq 03-3423-1727
Ireland 03-3263-0695
Israel 03-3264-0911
Italy 03-3453-5291-6
Ivory Coast 03-5454-1401

Jamaica 03-5721-4114
Jordan 03-3580-5856-8

Kenya 03-37234006
Korea, South 03-3452-7611-9
Kuwait 03-3455-0361-2

Laos 03-5411-2291
Lebanon 03-3580-1227
Liberia 03-3726-5711
Libya 03-3477-0701-4
Luxembourg 03-3265-9621-3

Madagascar 03-3446-7252-3
Malaysia 03-3476-3840

Mauritania 03-3449-3810
Mauritius 03-3211-8569
Mexico 03-3581-1131-5
Monaco 03-3211-4994
Mongolia 03-3469-2088
Morocco 03-3478-3271-4
Myanmar 03-3441-9291-5

Netherlands 03-5401-0411-5
New Zealand 03-3467-2271
Nicaragua 03-3499-0400
Niger 03-3505-6371
Nigeria 03-5721-5391
Norway 03-3440-2611

Oman 03-3402-0877

Pakistan 03-3454-4861-4
Panama 03-3499-3741-2
Papua New Guinea 03-3454-7801-4
Paraguay 03-5485-3101
Peru 03-3406-4240-3
Philippines 03-3496-2731-6
Poland 03-3280-2881
Portugal 03-3400-7907-8

Qatar 03-3224-3911

Romania 03-3479-0311-3
Russia 03-3583-4224
Rwanda 03-3486-7800-1

St. Lucia 03-3797-9321
St. Vincent 03-3797-9321
San Marino 03-3498-8427
Saudi Arabia 03-3589-5241
Senegal 03-3464-8451
Seychelles 03-3379-2255
Singapore 03-3586-9111
Slovak Republic 03-3400-8122
Solomon Islands 03-5275-0515
South Africa 03-3265-3366-9
Spain 03-3583-8531-3
Sri Lanka 03-3585-7431
Sudan 03-3476-0811
Sweden 03-5562-5050
Switzerland 03-3473-0121
Syria 03-3586-8977

Taiwan 03-3280-7811
Tanzania 03-3425-4531-3
Thailand 03-3441-7352
Tonga 03-3576-2022
Tunisia 03-3353-4111-3
Turkey 03-3470-5131
Tuvalu 03-3201-0884

Uganda 03-3486-7800
United Arab Emirates 03-5489-0804
United Kingdom 03-3265-5511
United States 03-3224-5000
Uruguay 03-3486-1888

Venezuela 03-3409-1501-2
Vietnam 03-3466-3311

(Western) Samoa 03-3211-7604

Yemen 03-3499-7151-2
Yugoslavia 03-3447-3571

Zaire 03-3423-3981-3


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